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Travel Subsidy Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of travel subsidy grants to encourage participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Travel subsidy grants for domestic applicants will offer up to $500 in travel cost reimbursement and $1,000 for international applicants. 

Applicants will need to indicate all proposed sources and amounts of funding they intend to use for their travel expenses associated with meeting attendance.

Enabling Travel Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of enabling travel grants to enable participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Priority will be given to researchers who would not otherwise be able to attend the meeting, for whom the meeting comes at a timely point in their career and who have not previously attended a DFD meeting.

Enabling grants will cover the full travel costs for applicants who would otherwise be financially unable to attend the meeting. Applicants will need to provide a personal statement as well as the contact information for someone who can provide a letter of recommendation.

Nomination and Selection Process

Applicants should apply for either the travel subsidy grant or the enabling travel grant. Applications must be received by August 5, 2024 to be considered. If the applicant is presenting at the meeting, the presentation's title, author(s), and abstract should be provided within the application for either grant.

Grant recipients will be notified by email by September 16, 2024. Questions concerning the application should be directed to the APS/DFD External Affairs Committee Chair, Jeff Eldredge, jdeldre@ucla.edu.

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