66th Annual Meeting APS DPP Meeting 2024

 Nominate a Speaker for an Invited Talk Post-Deadline Paper  Nomination Deadline: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time  DPP will accept only online nominations for invited talk post-deadline submissions. Please read about nominating invited speakers before you begin the online process.

  Upon logging in:

  1. Click on "Have an account?
  2.  Sign In - If you do not have an account, you will need to hit the button "Create an Account"
  3.  If you have an account and forgot your password, please click  "forgot password" button

Fill out all required fields and provide as much detail as possible.  Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to edit the nomination.  Keep a record of your application ID number. 

The APS Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA) has the mission of empowering and supporting physics departments, laboratories, and other organizations to identify and enact strategies for improving equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). It is doing so by establishing a community of transformation.

About 70 teams from universities, large labs, and collaborations have joined the Alliance. Groups of ~five teams have been formed to create  topical cohorts. Each topical cohort has a facilitator that leads (virtual) meetings and guides the cohort's learning.

Facilitator responsibilities include:  (1) Facilitating a topical cohort, including convening, preparing for, and facilitating monthly Zoom meetings of the cohort during the academic year (7 meetings per year), and participating in a cohort slack channel; (2) Attending APS-IDEA online workshop(s) (2 per year); (3) Participating in a community of practice with other facilitators and APS-IDEA steering committee members, which may include participating in facilitator coffee hours, the facilitator slack channel, training opportunities, strategizing with the steering committee; and (4) other miscellaneous activities.

Facilitators will be contracted for a scope of work, not billable hours. The following estimates are considered reasonable expectations, but facilitators are responsible for managing their time. Overall, the estimated time commitment is 1 to 2 hours/week on average. For the six months: facilitating the cohort is expected to take approximately 15 hours; attending workshops is expected to take 4 hours; participating in the facilitator community of practice is expected to take approximately 6 hours; miscellaneous activities, approximately 4 hours. Total: approximately 30 hours over six months.  Facilitators will be appointed for six months and receive pre-tax compensation of $3,000, paid quarterly.  The appointment may be renewed.  Facilitator appointments may be ended at any time for cause or failure to perform expected responsibilities.

Thank you for applying for the APS-IDEA Facilitator role! If you have any questions, please email ruiz@aps.org. 

DNP is pleased to offer a limited number of travel grants to encourage graduate student participation in the 2025 APS joint March and April Meeting to be held in Anaheim, California from March 17-20, 2025. This APS meeting provides an excellent opportunity for students in nuclear physics to present their research, interact with potential employers, and hear about advances in a broad range of physics topics.

Rules and Eligibility:

The nominee must be a DNP member (free to join for APS members).

Nomination and Selection Process:

The nominee's completed application and advisor's supporting letter are also required for consideration.

If the nominee's application is accepted, the award will cover the early registration fee for students presenting in-person in Anaheim. Applications are due by February 15, 2025. Students should apply using the form below.

For more information, contact the DNP Secretary-Treasurer Ramona Vogt.

Travel Subsidy Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of travel subsidy grants to encourage participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Travel subsidy grants for domestic applicants will offer up to $500 in travel cost reimbursement and $1,000 for international applicants. 

Applicants will need to indicate all proposed sources and amounts of funding they intend to use for their travel expenses associated with meeting attendance.

Enabling Travel Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of enabling travel grants to enable participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Priority will be given to researchers who would not otherwise be able to attend the meeting, for whom the meeting comes at a timely point in their career and who have not previously attended a DFD meeting.

Enabling grants will cover the full travel costs for applicants who would otherwise be financially unable to attend the meeting. Applicants will need to provide a personal statement as well as the contact information for someone who can provide a letter of recommendation.

Nomination and Selection Process

Applicants should apply for either the travel subsidy grant or the enabling travel grant. Applications must be received by August 5, 2024 to be considered. If the applicant is presenting at the meeting, the presentation's title, author(s), and abstract should be provided within the application for either grant.

Grant recipients will be notified by email by September 16, 2024. Questions concerning the application should be directed to the APS/DFD External Affairs Committee Chair, Jeff Eldredge, jdeldre@ucla.edu.

Childcare Travel Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of childcare travel grants to enable participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Priority will be given to researchers who would not otherwise be able to attend the meeting, due to childcare-based restrictions.

Childcare grants will provide a supplement of $1,000 to applicants responsible for at least 50% of the primary care of at least one child under 12 years of age. Applicants will need to provide details of childcare needs for consideration.

Nomination and Selection Process

Applications must be received by August 5, 2024 to be considered. If the applicant is presenting at the meeting, the presentation's title, author(s), and abstract should be provided within the application.

Grant recipients will be notified by email by September 16, 2024. Questions concerning the application should be directed to the APS/DFD External Affairs Committee Chair, Jeff Eldredge, jdeldre@ucla.edu.

Disability Grant

DFD is please to offer a limited number of disability travel grants to enable participation and attendance at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Priority will be given to researchers who would not otherwise be able to attend the meeting, due to assistance limitations.

Disability grants will reimburse costs required to provide necessary accessibility for applicants to attend the meeting, up to $1,000. Applicants will need to provide details of what assistance would be necessary for their attendance to be made possible and a projection of the expected associated costs.

Nomination and Selection Process

Applications must be received by August 5, 2024 to be considered. If the applicant presenting at the meeting, the presentation's title, author(s), and abstract should be provided within the application for either grant.

Grant recipients will be notified by email by September 16, 2024. Questions concerning the application should be directed to the APS/DFD External Affairs Committee Chair, Jeff Eldredge, jdeldre@ucla.edu.

Please see our PhysTEC Network Request for Proposals for more details on the proposal requirements.

The process for submitting a PhysTEC Network proposal is as follows.

  1. Submit a pre-proposal by June 30, 2024 at 5 p.m. submitter’s local time. 
  2. Based on your pre-proposal submission, we will schedule a pre-proposal meeting with your team. If you miss the deadline for the pre-proposal form, please email phystec@aps.org to request a pre-proposal meeting. Full proposals will not be accepted without engaging in a pre-proposal meeting.
  3. Submit a full proposal by September 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. submitter’s local time. 

We plan to fund up to 2 Networks, and the total funding available for this RFP is $202,500.

For any questions or consultation requests during the request for proposal cycle, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at phystec@aps.org. Our dedicated PhysTEC staff are here to assist you in strengthening physics teacher education in your area. We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together to shape the future of physics education.

Recognition Details & Expectations of Programs

The IUPE award will recognize up to three programs each year and will focus on entire undergraduate physics programs rather than individual members of a department. The COE seeks to recognize improvement and success at all types of institutions, ranging from large research universities to small colleges. Applications will be judged within the appropriate context to the greatest extent possible.  

It is neither expected nor required that any given program will exhibit improvement in all of the applicant program achievements described on the Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education web page.  It is expected that recognized programs will have excelled in one or more of those areas.

Please complete the form below with relevant data and attach your narrative, supplementary materials and supporting letters, as a single PDF:

Your two- to three-page narrative should include:

  • A clear outline of the improvements and achievements for which the program is seeking recognition.
  • A description of the overall undergraduate physics program at the institution, including the curriculum at both the introductory and upper-division levels, the student populations served, any regional factors, resources and facilities, and other information that is relevant to establishing the excellence of the program.
  • A summary of relevant data and documentary evidence to support claims of improvement, transformation in the program, growth, impact, and other successes for which the program is seeking recognition. Data provided should show evidence that improvements have been sustained over a period of at least a few years

Supplementary materials (of up to 10 pages) will be accepted, but the two to three page narrative should describe programmatic efforts completely, independent of supplements.

Additional supporting letters may be included but are not required.

If you have any questions please email the APS Education Department.

Rules & Eligibility

The applicant must be an APS-DBIO member at the time of application, without restrictions on their nationality or the geographic site at which the work was done.

Biological physics researchers with at most 7 years of full time activity since starting their first independent position as of the initial nomination deadline (June 3, 2024), allowing for career breaks (e.g., due to child or dependent care, illness, military service, etc.), are eligible. The application package must explicitly state the date that the applicant started their first independent position, and any career breaks.

The award is open to researchers from all disciplines that contribute to the advancement of biological physics, broadly construed, including experimental, computational, engineering, or theoretical approaches. The prize recognizes the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature of research in biological physics. The postgraduate degree and/or current affiliation of the applicant can be physics or a related field.

The applicant cannot be a previous recipient of the award.

The applicant cannot be a member of the award selection committee.

No current member of the DBIO Executive Committee may apply for this award. If an Early Career member’s term ends on their final year of eligibility, they will be allowed to submit an application at most 1 year past their final eligibility date (no more than 8 years of full time activity).

Application & Selection Process

Deadline:  Saturday, August 31st at 11:59 PM

Any eligible applicant may submit one application each year. The application should include:

  • A personal statement (of no more than three pages) from the applicant summarizing their scientific achievements and broader impacts of their work to the field of biological physics.
  • A two-page biographical sketch.
  • A list of (up to 10 of) the most important publications.
  • Names of least two, but not more than four, individuals to be contacted for recommendation letters.

No time limits are set on when the work was done, but emphasis should generally be on recent work performed during their independent position(s).The research recognized could either be a single piece of work, or the sum of contributions.

Ordinarily, the prize will be awarded to a single individual.

For any questions, please contact Greg Stephens, g.j.stephens@vu.nl. 

Please use this form to submit satellite events for any 2024 APS Meeting. Completion of this form before the specified deadline is REQUIRED for your event to be included on the Meeting website and in its marketing.

Please provide one entry for EACH event, and be as detailed as possible as you complete the form.  

Please see the following deadline dates below for each APS Meeting:

Deadline to submit for March Meeting: January 26, 2024

Deadline to submit for April Meeting: February 26, 2024

Deadline to submit for DAMOP Meeting: May 3, 2024

Deadline to submit for DPP Meeting: August 30, 2024

Deadline to submit for DFD Meeting: TBD

Deadline to submit for SCCM 2025 Meeting: January 17, 2025

Deadline to submit for GEC Meeting: May 3, 2024

An APS Meetings staff member will contact you within 48 hours of receiving your request to schedule a consultation.

Remember, if you don't already have an account with Submittable, you will need to create one below. Entering your APS login credentials will not work. You must create a Submittable account.


Please fill out this form to let us know which APS programs you might be interested in. We will follow up with information based on your indicated interests. 

The Topical Group in Plasma Astrophysics (GPAP) Nominating Committee is seeking your assistance in identifying a diverse slate of outstanding candidates to run for leadership positions within the Executive Committee.

Current positions open for nomination:

  • Vice Chair (1 position, 4-year term: serving annual terms as Vice Chair, then Chair-Elect, then Chair, and finally Past Chair)
  • Secretary/Treasurer (1 position, 3-year term)
  • Member-at-Large (2 positions, 3-year term)

Elected candidates will begin their terms at the end of the 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (October 7 - 11, 2024). Current officers are listed on the GPAP website, as are officer duties and responsibilities within the unit bylaws

Deadline for nominations: September 8, 2024.

Self-nominations are welcome!

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the Executive Committees of APS Units should reflect that diversity so that all voices are involved and empowered to have an impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, scientists from institutions with limited resources, and scientists from outside the United States, are especially encouraged. Students and early career members are also encouraged to participate in all unit leadership committees.

As the APS Career Mentoring (CM) Fellows program continues to grow, we'd like to get some updated information from all past Fellows. Please use this form to:

  • Provide your email, geographic location, job title/employer
  • Give a list of your past volunteer activities as a CM Fellow
  • Let us know how you would like to stay involved (if at all)

We will then follow up with you with relevant volunteer or social activities so that you can be as involved as you wish. 

To complete the application you will need to create/sign into an account with my.aps.org. To Create/Sign into APS please click on the "Have An Account? Sign In" blue button on the right. Then click on "Use Single Sign On" and create your account/sign in.

If you have issues signing in please contact APS at apsunits@aps.org.

DEADLINE: Friday, August 2, 2024

This is an application for the APS Career Mentoring Fellows program and should take about 25-30 minutes to fill out. A selection committee of APS volunteers and staff will review all applications and select candidates based on this rubric.

If admitted to the program as a CM Fellow, you will have the opportunity to do one or more of the following:
 - Gain expertise as a career mentor and learn about APS Career resources,
 - Receive implicit bias and mentorship training,
 - Attend an APS conference* to provide feedback on student presentations and/or participate in the career and résumé help desk,
 - Receive training on giving a career talk,
 - Give a career talk at an institution or conference to raise awareness about diverse physics careers and APS career resources.

*CM Fellows currently participate in the APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, March Meeting or April Meeting; Fellows who participate in conference activities are eligible to receive compensated meeting registration and partial travel funding. 

American Physical Society