You have been identified as a participant in the APS GERA Energy Workshop and will be presenting a poster.

Please prepare your poster with a large text size title so it can be easily read from a distance. We recommend including section sub-headers also in a larger text size than the detailed content text, including “Introduction” and “Conclusions” as well as others appropriate for its content. We recommend your poster size be either 24” x 36” or 22” x 28”. Preferably no larger than 48" x 48". 

The APS Career Mentoring Fellows ("CM Fellows") receive training on delivering APS Career Talks with information on physics career pathways, career guidance, and APS resources. The talks are relevant for students and early career scientists as well as those who mentor them. 

If you are interested in inviting a Fellow to give a career talk at your institution or conference, please complete the below form for the 2024-2025 academic year (Note: Talks will be scheduled between October 7-May 31, 2025).

DNP is pleased to offer a limited number of travel grants to encourage graduate student participation in the 2025 APS joint March and April Meeting to be held in Anaheim, California from March 17-20, 2025. This APS meeting provides an excellent opportunity for students in nuclear physics to present their research, interact with potential employers, and hear about advances in a broad range of physics topics.

Rules and Eligibility:

The nominee must be a DNP member (free to join for APS members).

Nomination and Selection Process:

The nominee's completed application and advisor's supporting letter are also required for consideration.

If the nominee's application is accepted, the award will cover the early registration fee for students presenting in-person in Anaheim. Applications are due by February 15, 2025. Students should apply using the form below.

For more information, contact the DNP Secretary-Treasurer Ramona Vogt.

Please fill out this form to let us know which APS programs you might be interested in. We will follow up with information based on your indicated interests. 

As the APS Career Mentoring (CM) Fellows program continues to grow, we'd like to get some updated information from all past Fellows. Please use this form to:

  • Provide your email, geographic location, job title/employer
  • Give a list of your past volunteer activities as a CM Fellow
  • Let us know how you would like to stay involved (if at all)

We will then follow up with you with relevant volunteer or social activities so that you can be as involved as you wish. 

To complete the application you will need to create/sign into an account with To Create/Sign into APS please click on the "Have An Account? Sign In" blue button on the right. Then click on "Use Single Sign On" and create your account/sign in.

If you have issues signing in please contact APS at

We invite your nominations of candidates for election as members of the Executive Committee (EC) of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section. The following positions are open for election for the specified terms:

  • Vice Chair* (01/25–12/26)
  • Two Members-at-Large (01/25–12/27)
  • One Student Member (01/25–12/26)

Please note: The member elected as Vice Chair shall serve in that role for one year, then for one year as Chair-Elect, one year as Chair, and one year as Past Chair. It is a four-year commitment.=

Deadline to Submit is January 24, 2025

If you have issues signing in please contact APS at To complete the form you will need to create/sign into an account with To Create/Sign into APS please click on the “Have An Account? Sign In” blue button on the right. Then click on “Use Single Sign On” and create your account/sign in.

We invite your nominations of candidates for election as members of the Executive Committee (EC) of the APS Topical Group on Data Science. The following positions are open for election for the specified terms.

  • Vice Chair (4-year term)
  • Treasurer (3-year term)
  • 2 Members-at-Large (3-year term)
  • 1 Early Career Member-at-Large (2-year term)

You can review the duties and responsibilities of these roles within the GDS Bylaws. If you have any questions, please contact William Ratcliff at

Deadline to Submit: January 24, 2025

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the Executive Committees of APS Units should reflect that diversity so that all voices are involved and empowered to have an impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged. Students and early career members are also encouraged to participate in all unit leadership committees. 

To complete the application you will need to create/sign into an account with To Create/Sign into APS please click on the "Have An Account? Sign In" blue button on the right. Then click on "Use Single Sign On" and create your account/sign in.

Please fill out this form if you would like to apply for funding to attend the 2025 Global Physics Summit. To be eligible for the award, you must be an undergraduate student and must have submitted an abstract under the sorting category “Undergraduate Research (APS/SPS)" sorting category - screenshot required.

We also ask that you provide a brief statement of support from a faculty supervisor or staff at your institution to verify the need for funding. 

If approved for funding, you may be required to fulfill a 2-hour volunteer role at the conference and write up a summary of your conference experience. For more information, please visit the Future of Physics Days Travel Grant webpage. 

American Physical Society